Hoppscotch gives you multiple ways to interact with and configure your APIs. With the command-line interface (CLI) you can interact with the Hoppscotch platform using a terminal, or through an automated system. This enables you to run API tests, manage automated API monitoring, and more.

This section contains a complete list of all Hoppscotch CLI commands available, alongside their optional parameters for additional behavior. You can also find a complete list of configuration options to configure your APIs through Hoppscotch.

Hoppscotch CLI is currently in alpha stage. Report a bug by opening a new issue.

Installing Hoppscotch CLI

To download and install Hoppscotch CLI, run the following command in your terminal:

npm i -g @hoppscotch/cli
The minimum supported Node.js version for the CLI is v18.


hopp test

The hopp test command allows you to run tests against a Hoppscotch collection file. This command goes through every request in a collection recursively and runs it, validating the responses with the test script provided in each request.

  • The hopp test command recursively goes through each request in the collection and runs them. Hence, the order of execution is the same as the order specified in the collection structure.
  • If upon executing the command, a failed assertion (a failing test case) has occurred, the command will give a non-zero exit code and 0 exit code if all tests have passed.
  • Unless there was a network error (for example, DNS resolution errors or network Connectivity Issues), the test script will be running and it is up to the test script to define what happens to error status codes. Non-200 status codes are still considered valid responses for test script execution.
  • The execution of requests within a collection can be deferred using the -d, --delay flag. One practical application involves executing requests against APIs with enforced rate limits.
hopp test [-e <environment file>] [-d <delay_in_ms> ] <hoppscotch collection file>


hopp test kitchen-sink-hoppscotch-collection.json
hopp test -e environment.json kitchen-sink-hoppscotch-collection.json
hopp test -e environment.json -d 1000 kitchen-sink-hoppscotch-collection.json


Hoppscotch allows templates in several places. For example, you could specify your endpoint URL as <<baseurl>>/post and specify baseurl as https://echo.hoppscotch.io in an environment file.

Hoppscotch CLI supports environment files in two specific formats:

1. Single Environment Entry Export Format

This format is generated by Hoppscotch App when you export any of your environment. It includes a named environment (name) with key-value pairs, allowing you to define various variables within a single file.

  "name": "my_env",
  "variables": [
      "key": "base_url",
      "value": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io"
      "key": "auth_token",
      "value": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

2. Legacy Export Format

Hoppscotch CLI continues to support the legacy format which was previously the only accepted format used by CLI.

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "key3": "value3"
Please note that the Hoppscotch CLI exclusively supports the above two formats for importing environment variables. It does not offer compatibility with Bulk Environment exports or any other export format.


-hGives a list of associated commands and their descriptions